Seeker Of Truth

seeker of truth

follow no path
all paths lead where

truth is here

e.e cummings

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

A triumphant return!

As I write this post I am preparing for a return trip to my second home: India! More to follow as I solidify my plans. As of today, I will return to volunteer with Cross Cultural Solutions, but this time I'll stay in Dharmasla. This is a small area way up north near Pakistan and the Kashmir region. I will stay for 3-4 weeks and take another 3 weeks to work on my Masters Thesis (also more to come once I figure things out!). In keeping with this festive mood I'm posting a few of my favorite pictures from my last trip. Enjoy!

A little cliche, but cute none the less!


Wearing moo-moos at a mosque 'cause we're white 

The Sikh Gurudwara Bangla Sahib Temple